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Today, a  book  presentation  was  held  at  ASUE  Conference  Hall. “Public Administration: Theory  and History”  book  authored  by Academician-Secretary of the Division of Armenology and Social Sciences  of Armenia National Academy of Sciences,  Head of  the  Chair  of  Management, Armenian State  University  of  Economics,  Doctor  of  Economic  Sciences, Professor, Yuri  Suvaryan, Professor  at  the Chair  of  Management, Doctor of Philosophy, Valeri  Mirzoyan,  Associate  Professor  at  the  Chair  of Management,  Candidate  in Economics, Ruben  Hayrapetyan,  and revised English translation of the same book  were  presented  to the  University  Administration  and representatives  of Faculty.

Notifying the  start  of  the  presentation  the  Vice-rector  of  Science  and  International  Relations, Gagik  Vardanyan, noted  that  the  publication of  this  book was an important event in the life of the University  and more  important was English  translation,  which  was a  step  forward  in Armenian scientific thought  and  internationalization.  Evaluating the done  work  headed by renowned scientist Yuri Suvaryan,  the Vice-rector noted; “There  is  no  doubt that  our  University is  leading in this  sphere both in the  Republic  and  in the  Region”.

Academician Yuri  Suvaryan  presented the  valuable  books authored  by his  headed  Chair  during  the  last  decades,  which  marked the  origin of management  course  and science  in the  Republic, then referred  to  the  last  work “Public Administration: Theory  and History”.  He  said  that  it’s  the  first comprehensive attempt  to  cover the essence and methodology of public management, to  present development process,  to  refer  to Armenian  management thought  and formation features  of  the government during the 5th-20th centuries. 

Referring to  English  translation  Yuri  Suvaryan  mentioned  that it  deserved the approval of translators and it  was  translated by one of the co-authors, Ruben Hayrapetyan, then  added that  the  English  version  presented  the  ideas  of  Armenian  scientists  to  foreign  community  properly,  as well as  showed what kind of government  system our nation  had.

Professor  Valeri  Mirzoyan had a  speech. He outlined  that the  presented  books came  to fill in the gap that existed in sphere  of  Armenology, as well as  to  present the history  of  Armenian management thought  completely.  He  mentioned  that  the role  of  the  language as a social reality: a  way  of  “community mixing”, was highlighted in the 5th  chapter “Language and speech in the public administration system”.

Associate  Professor,  Ruben Hayrapetyan, said  that English translation differs from the original Armenian  by  the sector regarding participatory management,

where an attempt was made to introduce Armenian management thought. The  Head of  the  Chair, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Aram  Sargsyan,  evaluated the  work  done  by  scientists  of the  Chair  of  Management  and  considering  it thankful  wok  in terms  of introducing to  the  World, as well  as  exemplary.

We  congratulate  the  authors,  wish  them  future  success.




ASUE  media and Public  Relations  Division 

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