Article Authored by ASUE Representative in a Collective Monograph is Published in Moscow

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The Moscow State University's publishing house has recently published the Eurasian Universities Association’s (EUA)  collective monograph entitled “Universities in the Eurasian Educational Space”, which is one of the series of monographs of the EUA “Eurasian Universities  of the 21st Century”.

Karen Grigoryan, acting Chair of Macroeconomics, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, is  one  of  the co-authors  of the  monograph: the stages, achievements, issues of the  RA  education system and differences from other countries of the Eurasian region were  studied in his  article  on “Trends and Issues of Universities and Society’s Interrelationship at the Modern Stage of Armenian Economy Development”.

Karen Grigoryan  informed  that the monograph  was prepared  for  the  publication by the executive committee  of the Association  according to the decree  of the  EUA 13th convention. The  articles  was  selected  based  on the results  of  the  competition. The Chief editor  of  the  monograph is Victor A. Sadovnichiy, President of EUA, Rector of the Moscow State Lomonosov University, Doctor  of Sciences, Professor, Academician of Russian Academy of Sciences.

The key topic of the monograph is the activity of  the EUA member-states’ Universities in modern conditions, special attention has been paid to changes in the educational systems of the member countries and development practice, which has a cognitive significance and is important for sharing experiences.

The  monograph is  available  at The  publication of ASUE representative is presented in 378-380 pages.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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