ASUE Employees Attended International Youth Conference in Artsakh

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On September 14-17, the 2nd International Youth Conference on “Problems and Perspectives of Artsakh  Republic’s Recognition” was held, which was attended by Gayane Tovmasyan, Researcher of “Economic Research” Program of  “AMBERD” Research Center,  PhD, and Anna Pakhlyan, Senior  Specialist of Quality Assurance Division, Assistant Professor of the Chair of International Economic Relations, PhD in Economics.

About 60 scholars, specialists and analysts from the United States, Germany, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia and Artsakh participated  in the conference with “Artsakh for Peace, Recognition for Peace” slogan. The conference was held in the departments of law, political science, economics, history, psychology and journalism, in Assembly Hall of the National Assembly of the Republic of Artsakh.

The information is submitted by ASUE attendees.

Gayane Tovmasyan reported  on “Tourism Development as a Guarantee for the Economic Development and International Recognition of Artsakh Republic”.

 Anna  Pakhlyan reported  on “The Opportunities of the International Cooperation Enhancement of Artsakh Republic”.

Youth International Conference was  conducted by  the  Union of Young Scholars  and Specialists of  Artsakh with the financial support of the RA Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs and “Zangezur Copper Molybdenum Combine” CJSC.

The participants  also  attended the 4th Artsakh Wine Festival hold in Togh village, in the territory of Melik's Palace.



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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