Combine Theoretical and Practical Knowledge: Open Lecture by CB Representative

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Open lectures are delivered by joint initiative of the Chair of Managerial Accounting and Associate Professor  of the same Chair Vahan Babayan within the frames  of professional courses in the Department of Accounting and Auditing, during which  experienced specialists from relevant sectors are invited. The main goal is to exchange practical skills  and knowledge.

Today the regular lecture was delivered by Chief specialist of Licensing Division of CBA Legal Department (senior supervisor), member of  “Institute of Internal Auditors-Armenia” NGO Lusine Margaryan. The measure  was attended by Head of the Chair of Managerial Accounting, Doctor of Sciences Liana Grigoryan, Vice Dean Sona Ghazaryan.

At the  end of the lecture the CB representative answered the  students’ questions. Note  that  Lusine Margaryan is one of ASUE best  graduates.

Vahan Babayan mentioned  that the invited specialists exchange practical skills and knowledge on the  mentioned  topic, then we deliver the theoretical part of the  lecture. So we effectively combine practical and theoretical skills.


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