The Border is Drawn by Weapon: Impressive Lesson of Patriotism

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“We do not care that we are young, it is a war that can be difficult, national spirit and the aspiration to fight against age-old foe, to defend our homeland were awakened. It's not only about me, it was typical to everybody during Artsakh war, it was a national mentality”; this was said by freedom fighter, battalion commander, retired lieutenant colonel Samvel Mkrtchyan, who was  hosted at ASUE by initiative of Associate Professor at the Chair of Political Science and Law, Deputy Executive Director of  “Noravank”  Foundation Vartan Atoyan and Associate Professor of the Chair of Marketing Lilit Dadayan. The meeting was attended by the Head of the Chair of Marketing, Doctor in Economics, Professor Ararat Zakaryan.

“Today is unique one, we meet the living hero Samvel Mkrtchyan. I don’t exaggerate, but Samvel Mkrtchyan is one of the living heroes of the 21st century and apart all of this, he is one of the most modest people I have ever met. In his book he tried  to describe his  live, emotions during the war. His contribution to the preservation of the Armenian national security is great”; mentioned  Vartan Atoyan and gave the floor to Samvel Mkrtchyan.

Our  hero  told about the  beginning of the war in 1988, people and especially the youth boundless patriotism  for preserving our  country. Then students asked questions, song a patriotic song, gifted book.

Head of the Chair of Marketing Ararat Zakaryan thanked Samvel Mkrtchyan for the meeting and highly evaluated the  publication of such books , in which the reality is reflected.

Lilit Dadayan also expressed gratitude to Samvel Mkrtchyan and stressed that the students were really looking forward to the meeting.

Summarizing the  meeting Vartan Atoyan thanked the attendees and stressed the importance of conducting such meetings. “In addition to theoretical and practical knowledge patriotic education is also very important, first because we should be a good citizen, and only then, a good specialist”, summed up the author of initiative.




ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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