Re-evaluating the Role of the Economic University and Revising Development Plan: ASUE Scientific Board Session (photos)

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Today, regular session of ASUE Scientific Board was held with full agenda. Before touching upon the agenda items Ruben Hayrapetyan, ASUE acting Rector, Doctor of Sciences, Professor, made a statement regarding the competition announced for vacant courses.

Then ASUE Head passed to agenda items reporting about formation and establishment of educational-methodological, tender, scientific-methodological, publishing committees’ compositions under ASUE Scientific Board.

Aram Sargsyan, Chairman of Tender Committee, reports the item of awarding “Associate Professor” scientific title.

Vard Ghukasyan, Head of Foreign Relations Division, reported about ASUE international activity and problems, presenting the outcomes of the lecturers’, collaborators’ and students’ mobility programs. Then she presented 3 grant programs coordinated by the Division and in which our University is now involved.

Touching upon the internationalization of the University, Ruben Hayrapetyan first mentioned that it is one of the priorities of development, and added that in the context of the re-evaluation of the role of Economic University, the programs should be revised and should be presented attractively.

"Introduce a multifaceted realistic program for University internationalization which will include clear activities due to which we’ll become an international university in a few years. It is very important that these programs are presented in a right, attractive way, because people's hope and belief are very important for achieving success”; the University Head noted and emphasized the importance of involving foreign students, carrying out scientific-research projects towards internationalization of the University. The presented items were confirmed, the activity of Foreign Relations Division were evaluated as satisfactory.

Karen Petrosyan, Director of Gyumri Branch, reported the item of establishing the structure of ASUE Gyumri branch, but due to the need for additional discussions it was decided to remove the item from the agenda.

Diana Galoyan, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, presented a number of documents related to the educational process for the discussion and approval of the Scientific Board.

A long discussion was held on the presented items, members of Scientific Board made suggestions, approaches. As a result of the discussions, the documents and the procedures presented were approved.

Tigran Mnatsakanyan, Vice Rector for Science, reported a number of items for establishing thesis topics and scientific supervisors, and item for ensuring for publication textbook and manual, which were approved.

At the end of the session, Vice-Rector Diana Galoyan drew the Chairs’ attention on reviewing and improving the examination test bases, and Ruben Hayrapetyan once again underlined the approach of the University Leadership to exclude dual answers in examinations.

P.S. All issues and documents presented during the session will be posted after being confirmed at ASUE official website - “Scientific Board” heading.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division