Hovik Musayelyan, the director of Synopsys Armenia CJSC was hosted at ASUE

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Hovik Musayelyan, the director of Synopsys Armenia CJSC was hosted at ASUE and had a meeting with the 3rd year students of the International Economic Relations and the 2nd year students of the Theory of Economics specializations. ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, head of the Chair of International Economic Relations Diana Galoyan and lecturers were present at the meeting. The meeting was initiated by the Associate Professor of the same chair Vergine Kirakosyan within the framework of the "International Scientific and Technical Communication" course.
Hovik Musayelyan had an interesting lecture, noting that the IT sector was declared as a priority of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, then presented the history of their company, the bases for the development of the sphere and the potential of Armenian specialists, underlining that in the IT sphere the design of microcircuits is the best developed. The director of the company presented their cooperation with the universities and then with great pleasure answered the audience's questions.
At the end of the meeting, Rector Koryun Atoyan expressed gratitude to Hovik Musayelyan for hospitality and interesting lecture and added that ASUE was ready for cooperation.
The director of the company also thanked for the meeting, underlining that it is of importance for him the cօoperation with the universities and wished the students success.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division