
Գտնվել է 15 նորություն

Students’ Applications Should Be Handled As Quickly And Properly As Possible: Diana Galoyan

“All problems raised by students should be properly solved within the laws and opportunities”; acting Rector Diana Galoyan stated at today’s session of Rectorate Board touching upon issues related to the regulation of educational-organizational problems. The Head of the University emphasized and urged the Deans...

Nominal Scholarship Holders for the 2nd Half of the 2018-2019 Academic Year

The names of nominal scholarship holders for the 2nd half of the 2018-2019 academic year were established at today’s Rectorate Board session. Here is the list submitted by the Educational Division: 1. Gagik Badadyan - the 4th year student of Department of Management, scholarship after Z. Bashinjaghyan,2. Mery...

Tuition Fee of 619 Students Has Been Discounted Among Them Participants of April-Four-Day War

Tuition fee of 619 students has been  discounted. Today, the Vice Rector on Educational-Organizational Matters Mihrdat Harutyunyan presented  the decree established  by Mandate Commission, which was approved  by the Rectorate Board.  Head of Educational Division Aghavni Hakobyan mentioned  that  among 619  students...

Regular session of Rectorate board

According to the head of Educational-Methodological Division Armen Karakhanyan exam schedules of students who have academic debts up to 12 credits are ready. The dates of retakes are December 3, 4, 10 and 11. The board also touched upon some current issues, discussed the applications of students and made decision....

Tuition fees of about 690 ASUE students have been reimbursed

Tuition fees of 689 graduate and undergraduate full-time and part-time ASUE students have been reimbursed. Mandate Committee’s decision was presented today on Rectorate board session by vice rector on education organizational matters Mihrdat Harutyunyan, noting that discount was made for students whose AQS (the...

Congratulation and appreciation to the distinguished Professor Lukash Badanyan: he turned 80

Associate Professor of Finance chair candidate of economics Lukash Badanyan, recently celebrated his 80th year anniversary. ASUE Rectorate board honored the distinguished university professor, colleague, and a good man. ASUE rector Koryun Atoyan on behalf of University staff and students congratulated Lukash Badanyan,...

First intermediate tests of 2nd semester are over

First intermediate tests of 2nd semester of 2014-2015 academic year lasted from March 30 to April 11 in ASUE. During today’s Rectorate Board Session, the deans reported that interim tests have passed in accordance with an approved schedule, in three ways: computer, tests and oral, bizarre cases have not been registered....

April 6 exams postponed to April 11 with the same schedule: a regular session of Rectorate Board took place

“The planned exams of April 6 are postponed to April 11 with the same schedule”, said Armen Karaxanyan on the regular Rectorate Board session today. Note that the Government of the Republic of Armenia decided to transfer the working day of April 6, 2015 to Saturday April 11 (follow the link




The 1st  intermediate review  of the 2013-2014   academic year was  over at Armenian State University of Economics. It has been conducted  according to the  established schedule with no extraordinary circumstances.  On April 29 and 30 exams of the  students  who had excused absent will  be organized. On May retake ...