Another Short-term Training Course at ASUE

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On February 11, another short-term training course - “R programming language”, started at ASUE held by Vahe Movsisyan, Co-founder of "Datamotus" Company, ASUE Alumnus.

Aghavni Hakobyan, Head of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning Division, informed that ASUE lectors and students, employees of the Central Bank of Armenia, commercial banks and other organizations (17 participants) participate in the training.

Diana Galoyan, ASUE acting Rector, welcomed the participants, emphasizing the success of ASUE positioning in the field of short-term training courses, the readiness of ASUE lecturers, staff and students to acquire new knowledge and skills. At the same time, the Head of the University expressed gratitude to the representatives of Armenian leading organizations for trusting ASUE.

The organizers stated that the R course is up to date considering that the use of programming languages increases the efficiency of obtaining more sophisticated econometric models. The well-known R programming language in data science is widely used by statisticians and is constantly incorporating new directions for statistical data processing.

Let’s recall, ASUE has announced about the positioning in the market of short-term training courses and has already successfully held over a dozen courses in a variety of areas, from HRM to PM, training of healthcare professionals and etc..

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division