Workshop in Koshishef within the framework of RIFINE project

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On March 12-15 in the city of Kosice, Slovakia, a workshop of the "Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova" (RIFINE) was held within the framework of the "Erasmus +" project, which was attended by head of ASUE Educational Division Aghavni Hakobyan and the assistant professor at the Chair of Finance Vanine Yeranosyan. Coordinator of the project ASUE Foreign Relations Division informs that at the meeting the issues were discussed: the first workshop's results, guidelines for the reform of master degree programmes developed by the partner universities, ways to increase the effectiveness of organizing educational process; as well as issues related to proper organization of work.
Vanine Yeranosyan presented in details the results of the surveys conducted among ASUE students, alumnis, professorial staff and employers identifying the most demanded skills and capacities by labor market for the graduates of the "Corporate Finance" Master Programme, the capacity of the university to respond adequately to the labor market requirements, and the differences in appreciation of skills and capacities by internal and external stakeholders. Aghavni Hakobyan presented the process and structure of development the Master programmes at ASUE.
An agreement was reached to organize visits to partner universities of Armenia and Moldova in June, to get acquainted with the mechanisms of development and improvement of the educational programmes at the universities.
RIFINE is a three-year capacity development project in the field of higher education co-financed by the European Union. The project activities are scheduled from October, 2017 to October, 2020. More detailed information about the project goals, results, partners, as well as the role of ASUE in the project is available on the official website of ASUE by the following link: and on the official website of the project.

ASUE Median and Public Relations Division