Մարդկային ռեսուրսների կառավարման ռազմավարություն հետազոտողների համար


The Armenian State University of Economics initiated the process of Development of HRS4R and applying for the HR Excellence in Research Award based on the «Charter of Armenian State University of Economics State Non-Commercial Organization (hereinafter referred to as ASUE)», «ASUE 2018-2022 Development Strategy and Action Plan» and «Armenian State University of Economics Strategic Plan for Scientific Research Activity Development 2020-2024», realizing the need and urgency of developing the institutional capacity of research and science in the face of extremely fierce competition among educational services providers.

Need for HRS4R: European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers

In 2005, the European Commission issued a recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code). The aim of the Charter & Code is to contribute to European prosperity by creating the world's most competitive knowledge-based economy through European research activities.

Above mentioned will be achieved by making research careers in Europe more attractive, create an attractive, open and sustainable European labor market for researchers, encourage increased mobility, increase female researchers' participation and encourage more young people to choose a research career. By improving the conditions for free research, promoting an open labor market for researchers and enabling recruitment and retaining outstanding researchers, a strong European Research Area can be established and with it an attractive, sustainable and attractive labor market for researchers.

The aim of the Charter & Code is also to ensure that the relationship between researchers and employers contributes to successful research achievements, as well as access and exchange of knowledge, technical development and career development.

Implementing «Human Resource Strategy for Researchers» (HRS4R) principles is important in order to ensure the availability of motivated, highly qualified and skilled human resources in research and innovation.

Need for the "HR Excellence in Research Award"

The ‘HR Strategy for Researchers’ supports research institutions and funding organisations in the implementation of the Charter & Code in their policies and practices.

The implementation of the Charter & Code principles by research institutions render them more attractive to researchers looking for a new employer or for a host for their research project.

The European Commission recognises with the “HR Excellence in Research Award” the institutions which make progress in aligning their human resources policies to the 40 principles of the Charter & Code, based on a customized action plan/HR strategy.

Need for the "HR Excellence in Research Award":

At the level of the Institution:

· Meet the requirements of European programmesReinforce ASUE's international attractiveness

  • Join the European institutions already labeled:
  • Reaffirm a strong and coherent internal Human Resources policy aligned with projects already launched

At the level of the researcher:

Improving individually the conditions in which research is carried out:

  • Strengthen respect for ethical principles and professional responsibilities
  • Ensure greater transparency in recruitment, career development and mobility
  • Commit to develop better and safer environment working condition
  • Reaffirm a strong training policy

Background to the HRS4R Process

European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code)

The HRS4R is a process for implementation of the European Commission’s 2005 recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter & Code).

The aim of the Charter & Code is “to contribute to the development of an attractive, open and sustainable European labor market for researchers, where the framework conditions allow for recruiting and retaining high quality researchers in environments conducive to effective performance and productivity”.

The Charter & Code consists of general principles and requirements applying to researchers at all different stages of their careers as well as to employers, calling for researchers, employers and funders alike to act responsibly and professionally. The principles can be divided into four areas:

  • Ethical and professional aspects
  • Recruitment and Selection
  • Working Conditions and Social Security
  • Training and Development

The European Commission developed the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers tool (HRS4R) to help employers implement the Charter & Code. The HR Excellence in Research award is awarded to research institutions following 1) an internal analysis of the institution’s HR policies and practices relating to researchers with an action plan for further development and 2) an external assessment.

Recipients of the HR award commit to implement their action plan and continue to improve in order to provide a stimulating working environment and attractive career development opportunities. Progress is ensured through recurring internal and external reviews.

  • Gap Analysis

The aim of Gap Analysis of the University is to compare their practices on ethical and professional aspects, recruitment, working conditions and social security and training, with principles established on the Charter & Code.

The gap analysis seeks to answer the questions "where are we?" (current state) and "where do we want to be?" (target state), as an institution, with regard to the 40 principles of the Charter and Code. The gap analysis provides a clear picture of the development needs, while identifying any deficiencies or shortcomings to be overcome.

  • OTM-R

Checklist for Open, Transparent Merit-based Recruitment (OTM-R) The OTM-R checklist is a specific self-assessment checklist provided to report on the status of achievement in terms of the implementation of OTM-R policies and practices, which aims at making research careers more attractive, while facilitating mobility and equal opportunities for all candidates. The OTM-R checklist builds on the Charter & Code principles related to the Recruitment of Researchers.

  • Action Plan

The action plan is a sequence of activities that must be carried out in order to help the institution pass from the current state to the target state, with regard to the implementation of the 40 principles of the Charter & Code.

They will address the improvement needs identified in the Gap Analysis and the OTM-R checklist.

The HRS4R process at ASUE

Starting the initial phase by submission of the endorsement letter on December 20, 2019, the Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE) took the responsibility to analyze and endorse the 40 principles of “The European Charter for Researchers” and “The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers”.

Self-analysis of the scientific and research field is a necessary requirement for the membership acceptance to EURAXESS, the Pan-European platform of researchers. ASUE expects to receive the HR Excellence in Research Award”, while creating new opportunities for the enhancement of international cooperation in the field of research.

For conducting GAP Analysis in ASUE Working Group was established aimed at building capacities for implementation of Open Science principles within the university, composed by the administrative staff responsible for science and research, researchers and PhD students. The 40 principles of Charter & Code were divided between the members of the groups and each of them was committed to familiarize their part of standards.

The hectic period of work coincided with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Armenia and around the world, creating additional challenges for the Working Group.

A series of online discussions was organized, and large-scale surveys were initiated among ASUE academic staff and post-graduate students to find out the level of openness, transparency and effectiveness of research encouragement and supporting procedures at the University.

Actions undertaken within the HRS4R process

  1. Conduction of in-house meeting for introducing the C&C and the HRS4R principles.
  2. Endorsement letter sent to EURAXESS and notification of commitment received on 20.12.2019.
  3. Discussion of 40 standards of the C&C with the members of R-UWG, researchers and other administrative staff members.
  4. Gathering information on the external and internal regulations of research activities (research policy) in the RA and ASUE.
  5. Organization of online workshops (zoom meetings) for implementation of GAP Analysis.
  6. Formulation and development of Survey based on the C&C for ASUE academic staff and PhD students.
  7. Preparation and submission of HRS4R templates for the Initial phase on 19.02.2021
  • GAP Analysis Process
  • Development of OTM-R
  • Action Plan

8. Report on the results of the survey of academic staff on ASUE Scientific and Research Activity Regulation, Implementation and Promotion9. Report on the results of the survey of postgraduates and external researchers on ASUE Scientific and Research Activity Regulation, Implementation and Promotion

Dates of Submission of documentation for HRS4R

  • Date of endorsement Charter and Code: 20/12/2019
  • HRS4R templates submitted: 16.03.2021
  • Evaluation received: 31.07.2021
  • HRS4R revised documents re-submitted: 01.10.2021

Endorsement Letter
GAP Analysis

Action Plan

On December 17, the European Commission awarded the "HR Excellence in Research award" to the Armenian State University of Economics. ASUE is the first among the Armenian Universities to be awarded this title and succeed in joining the EURAXESS pan-European research platform.